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Foreign, Comparative & International Law

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Recent Titles

Recent Titles

Shari'a Law and Modern Muslim Ethics (2016)

Contents: 1 Sharìa Law and the Quest for a Modern Muslim Ethics -- Section I: Sharìa Pluralities -- 2 Sharìa and the Rule of Law -- 3 Moral Contestations and Patriarchal Ethics: Women Challenging the Justice of Muslim Family Laws -- 4 Gender, Legality, and Public Ethics in Morocco -- Section II: Islamic Law and the State -- 5 Constitutionalizing a Democratic Muslim State without Sharìa: The Religious Establishment in the Tunisian 2014 Constitution -- 6 Transformations in Muslim Views about "Forbidding Wrong": The Rise and Fall of Islamist Litigation in Egypt -- 7 Sharìa, Islamic Ethics, and Democracy: The Crisis of the "Turkish Model" -- 8 Islamic Modernism, Ethics, and Sharìa in Pakistan -- Section III: New Ethical Imbrications -- 9 "Sharìa" as a Moving Target? The Reconfiguration of Regional and National Fields of Muslim Debate in Mali -- 10 Syariah, Inc.: Continuities, Transformations, and Cultural Politics in Malaysia's Islamic Judiciary -- 11 Islamic Ethics and Muslim Feminism in Indonesia -- Contributors -- Index.

Other Recent Titles
  • Adjudicating Family Law in Muslim Courts (Routledge 2014) (print)
  • Ann Black, Modern Perspectives on Islamic Law (Edward Elgar 2013) (print) (ebook), 
  • Islamic Law and International Human Rights (Oxford 2012) (print)
  • Raj Bhala, Understanding Islamic Law: Shari'a (LexisNexis 2011) (print)
  • Andrea Buchler, Islamic Law in Europe? Legal Pluralism and its Limits in European Family Laws (Ashgate 2016) (ebook)
  • Mathias Rohe, Islamic Law in Past and Present (Brill 2015) (ebook)

Note that often new books are on display.  If you can't find a print title, check with a librarian.

From Online Resources

From Online Resources

Besides the above encyclopedia articles and journals, a great strategy is to search JSTOR for articles on Islamic Law.  JSTOR is inderdisciplinary and has many foreign, comparative, and international law journals, such as the Arab Law Quarterly and Islamic Law and Society.  JSTOR journals tend to be peer-reviewed.  Of course, you may also search Lexis, Westlaw, and Hein Online.


Subject Catalog Search

Subject Catalog Search

A subject catalog search is a great way to identify books and ebooks on Islamic Law. The image below contains such a search.  Note that a particularly important subtopic is "Islamic Law Interpretation and Construction." For a keyword search on "Islamic Law" click here.  If necessary, don't forget to broaden your search by changing the location to other than "UMKC-Law" or by running a "MOBIUS" search.

Subject Search for Islamic Law

SSRN eJournals

SSRN eJournals

For the latest papers on Islamic Law, the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is a good resource to peruse and search.

SSRN Islamic Law Papers
Islamic Law & Law of the Muslim World eJournal

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