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A simple guide to the citation management tool, Zotero.


ZoteroBib is an online citation generator that is a quick and easy way to make use of some of Zotero's great features.
You can visit ZoteroBib by visiting



Easily add items to your bibliography

Searching is made easy by pasting in the URL for where you found it on the web, a book's ISBN, a PubMed ID number, digital object identifier, or even just the title.




View and modify bibliography

When entering content into ZoteroBib the resulting citation will be displayed below the "search bar", and results will be saved there even if you accidentally close the tab (thanks to your web browser's storage)!

Users will have the option to select the citation style from the highlighted blue drop-down, and can modify the record by double clicking on the citation.


Copy your bibliography

Export the content from ZoteroBib to any word processor

To easily copy text for an in-text citation click on the double sheet icon to the right of the specific item you are citing. There, you have the option to add page numbers and see a preview. Just click on "Copy Citation".


To export the entire bibliography, you have some options. The easiest is to click on the big "Copy to Clipboard" button, or you may view other options by clicking on the down arrow to the right of the button.