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A simple guide to the citation management tool, Zotero.

Exporting Citations from Zotero

You can create citations directly from Zotero. Here are a few different methods.


Quick Copy

This method works best when you need to export one citation into a paper.*

1. Set your preferred citation style from the drop down menu

  • Edit > Preferences > Export > Default Format > OK

2. Locate the source you need to citation for

3. For a full citation: Drag and drop the item(s) from your Zotero library to an open document

4. For an in-text citation: Press and hold shift, then drag and drop the item(s) from your Zotero library

*Note: Using the Quick Copy method will make citations that are no longer linked to your Zotero Library, meaning future changes made to the sources in your library will not automatically change the citations pasted into your documents. 


Right Click

This method allows you to quickly create an entire bibliography with only a few clicks.*

1. Right Click on the collection or source(s) you are using, and select "Create bibliography from Collection"

2. When the new text box opens select your desired citation style

3. Output Method:

  • For a bibliography that saves as a new document select "Save as RTF"
  • For a bibliography that you can paste right into an existing document, select "Copy to Clipboard"

4. If you selected...

  • Save as RTF: Give the new document a name and save it to a location you will be able to locate later. You can then access the document anytime from your save location.
  • Copy to Clipboard: Go to the document you wish to add a bibliography to. Move your cursor to the desired location and paste (Ctrl+V) the citations.

*Note: Using the Right Click method will make bibliographies that are no longer linked to your Zotero Library, meaning future changes made to the sources in your library will not automatically change the bibliography pasted into your documents.