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A simple guide to the citation management tool, Zotero.

Zotero Groups


What are Groups?

Zotero Groups is a feature within Zotero that allows multiple users to collaborate on a shared library.  This is allows you to view items that have been located by others or lets you contribute to the collection with useful resources that you have found in your search.



Creating Groups

To create a group, you can start by clicking on "New Group" under the library button (looks like a brown box).



A web page will appear asking you to log in to your account online, and then it will ask for you to provide a name for your group. The group name will have to be entirely unique as it becomes a part of the URL that directs you to your group's collection.

Here is also where you would want to select privacy settings for your group, which range from open viewing/editing privileges to private groups that cannot be viewed without an invitation.


Contributing to the Group

Once the group has been created, you can access its library both online and within the Zotero application. If you do not see it appear, you may want to try syncing your collection again or close and reopen the application.



Now you may save materials to your group! When using the Zotero Connector, it is important to note that it will automatically save to whichever collection you currently have open within the Zotero desktop application.

For more details on how to save documents, check out our Save to Zotero page.