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Digital Scholarship Services

Reserve the Bookeye Scanner or the Laptop Cart

UMKC University Libraries Digital Collaboration Studio

The Laptop Cart ⁠is only available for use by designated UMKC Digital and Public Humanities students, staff, and faculty. The Laptop Cart includes 8 laptops with specialized software (Adobe Creative Suite, Notepad++, oXygen XML, FileZilla, R and Python). Please contact with any questions about these resources or to reserve the laptop cart. When making a reservation for the laptops, please provide the date, time block, and number of laptops needed.

The Bookeye overhead scanner is available on a first come, first served basis. For larger projects, contact to schedule a reserved block of time on the scanner.

This space is designated a Quiet Conversation Area.

Getting Started with the Bookeye

How to start the Bookeye scanner

  1. As it always times out, you will likely face an error message from Windows before anything.
  2. Make sure the power switches are on. The scanner has two power switches, one on the right side of the scanning area (between the touch screen and the scanning area) and another on the Kodak attachment at the left side of the scanner. When you turn on the switches, give them a little time till the system is set.
  3. Sign out or Restart the Window. You won't need to use your ID. The scanner automatically signs in with the DPH account and loads the scanning program. Sometimes, signing out won't work. Restarting the Windows could be a more sure option.
  4. Now, the scanner is ready to use. You can have the scanned files through e-mail, USB drive, etc. The Production Room has a USB flash drive for transferring the scanned files to your computer. Please use it in the Production Room only and leave it on the scanner when you are done scanning.
  5. The scanning procedure is pretty straightforward. However, if you need more guidance, there's a detailed manual on the scanner. Please take a look.