The Recording Studio is avaliable for use from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Fridays, and is closed on weekends. A reservation is required to use the space. Make a reservation and then check out the key, keyboard, and mouse from the Digital Collaboration Studio Service Desk.
The Recording Studio is for oral history, podcast, or interview recording only, and is not appropriate for music or other performances. This space is designated a Quiet Conversation Area.
The Recording Studio (Room 310C) provides a space that includes a motorized video camera and an array of microphones to capture audio and video recordings, such as interviews for podcasts. The studio is not appropriate for recording the playing of musical instruments, as it is not a soundproof environment.
You can find online instructional videos for many of these programs. If there is a problem with the computer or the software does not appear to be working correctly, reach out to the DCS Service Desk for additional technical assistance.
Save files to your UMKC OneDrive if you are logged in with your UMKC ID, you can also save files to the desktop and then upload to the cloud or a USB external drive.