Seminal Issues | Most Effective Tools | Priority of Software & Services | Ethics | To Cloud or Not to Cloud | Facts About Law Practice and Clouds | | Document Preservation and the Paperless Office | Private Cloud Solution | Other Themes
Source 2020 Solo and Small Firm Legal Technology Guide, p. 260-261 (citing Bob Ambrogi and 2019 Aderant Business of Law and Legal Technology Survey).
Thirty-one states, including Missouri and Kansas, have adopted rule of technology competence
In 2012 the ABA’s House of Delegates voted to amend Comment 8 to Model Rule 1.1, which pertains to competence, to read as follows:
Maintaining Competence
To maintain the requisite knowledge and skill, a lawyer should keep abreast of changes in the law and its practice, including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology, engage in continuing study and education and comply with all continuing legal education requirements to which the lawyer is subject. (Emphasis added.)
ABA Formal Ethics Opinion 482 ond Duties of Lawyers Following a Disaster. See p. 176 of LTG.
ABA Formal Ethics Opinion 484 on Duties of Lawyers Following a Data Breach of Cyber Attack. See p. 178 of LTG.
Ethical issues on Attorney web sites and social media. See link.
NetDocs, Why are Law Firms Moving to the Cloud (registration necessary)
Source flikr
What is the "cloud computing"?
National Institute for Standards and Technology Definition of Cloud Computing, Feb. 27, 2012 (cited in David P. Whelan, Practice Law in the Cloud 9-10 (Canada Law Book 2013)).
Pro's | Con's | ? |
rapid reaction times | upgrade timing | cost |
scalable | trustworthiness of internet connection | security |
mobility | long-term commitment for best rates | confidentiality |
disaster recovery | hassle of undoing the deal | |
less friction for software acquisition | financial viability of service provider | |
security | Is your data portable with this service provider? (egress fees) | |
data certification standards | files located out of jurisdiction | |
bandwidth load | ||
shared ecosystem with other users | ||
corruption of database files |
Questions to ask:
See p. 174-5 of 2019 Guide.
Source: The Sharon D. Nelson, John W., Simek & Michael C. Maschke, The 2019 Solo and Small Firm Legal Technology Guide (LTG), 129-130 (ABA Law Practice Division) (citing ABA Legal Technology Research Center's 2019 survey of ABA Lawyers).
"On March 17, 2016, the Legal Cloud Computing association released the first set of cloud security standards crafted specifically for the legal industry at ABA TECHSHOW...." See, LTG, p. 163
Data Center, Wikipedia
What is a private cloud? A lot of the distinction between public and private is not only based on who is sharing resources, but who is responsible for the maintenance of resources. In a private cloud, the customer's IT department has much more responsibility.
An attorney may destroy most, but not necessarily all, of the paper file, if the file is stored electronically. Items of intrinsic value may not be destroyed. Originals that may have legal significance, as originals, during the representation may not be destroyed. We encourage firms to offer the paper file to the client prior to destruction.
Source: The Lawyerist, Alice Devendra on design thinking for lawyers (may need to register for free).