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Requesting Microform Materials in RooBot

Instructions for requesting specific microform materials from RooBot.


Black Biographical Dictionaries, 1790-1950, contains biographical information covering tens of thousands of African Americans. It was sponsored by the W.E.B. DuBois Institute for Afro-American Research, Harvard University, and serves as a core resource for Black Studies research.

The microfiche are given title numbers from 1 to 297. Each catalog record will indicate the appropriate title number. The title number will indicate which microfiche box you need to request from RooBot and pick up at the Circulation Desk. Follow the example below to learn how to find your title number.

Catalog record for Negro Baptists and foreign missions

In the above catalog record, look for the Series Title field. At the end of that line, you will see the title number (no. 1).

Once you have the title number, go to the Black Biographical Dictionaries, 1790-1950 collection record and request the box that contains your title number. You may need to click the "View additional copies..." button to see all of the available boxes.