Aggregation Sites for Scholarly Materials
Below I have placed a long screenshot of one of the most important aggregation sites for a variety of legal topics. I have chosen to display Elsevier's (formerly BePress') Law and Race Commons, but there are many other good choices in the left navigation bar as indicated by the arrows.
It is possible to "Search this Commons" for articles or papers on your topic. A map keeps track in real time of downloads. Popular articles and authors are noted below the map.

Another way into BePress is to use (it has a better search engine, but it only picks up items in journals that are in the Law Review Commons or institutions with a Digital Commons repository). So instead, I recommend searching articles on Google Scholar at Google Scholar mines articles from HeinOnline, SSRN, BePress Law Commons, and newcomer, LawaXiv. Of course you can also search Lexis+ and Westlaw Edge for articles (in Westlaw you have to filter for "law reviews and journals" among secondary sources). Finally, I also recommend JSTOR and Academic Search Complete (on the library subscription databases page at for journals that are "peer reviewed," are of a high quality, and are interdisciplinary in nature.
An example from Lexis+ illustrating that atleastN( ) command (where N is the minimum number of words in the article) is set forth below. This helps with relevancy of the articles in results. The same thing can be done in Westlaw Edge's Law Reviews & Journals.