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Canvas Library Resources

UMKC Libraries in Canvas


The UM System sponsors the Intercampus Course Sharing Initiative which encourages faculty to teach online classes for students on any of the four system campuses. Before the start of the class, it is important to ensure access to library materials for all students. Students from the other campus(s) will not have access to library resources that their campus does not subscribe to. Use this information to provide instructional materials to all students enrolled in a Course Sharing class.

Shared courses are different than cross-campus enrollment. Students who use cross enrollment to take a course at another UM campus are actually admitted (behind the scenes) as visiting students at the campus hosting the course. Cross-campus students have the same access to campus resources as any visiting student. This means cross-campus students can access library resources. For cross-campus courses, follow the instructions at Linking to Library Resources to create links like you would for any UMKC student.

Open Educational Resources (OERS)

Journal articles

  • Find an article via one of the databases.
  • Links to articles work better than uploading files.
    • Linking allows libraries to gather data on usage (budget constraints mean libraries cancel sources that don't get used).
    • Linking is consistent with U.S. copyright law.
  • If a resource is not available on all four campuses, your options include:
    • Choose a different resource.
    • Check the pdf for fair use. If you find fair use, keep your fair use checklist with your course files and post the pdf.
    • After downloading an article from a database, fair use often will not apply due to license agreements.

Students' research (assignments & projects, etc.)

  • Tell the students to go to the library website of their home campus and use the resources from there.
  • All UM students can borrow print books and other physical materials from all four UM libraries.
    • We will ship to their home library (or any library they choose).
    • Send students to the library catalog. Once they find something they need, click "request it."