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Quality Improvement Projects

A guide to help through the process of creating a Quality Improvement Project.

Publishing QI Work

Why publish your QI work?

  • Forces clarification, verification and justification
  • Hastens the spread of useful strategies / innovations
  • Keeps others from unnecessarily repeating mistakes
  • Contributes to the “collective memory”
  • Returns value to those who did the work
  • Holds you publicly accountable for your efforts


Clarifications for publishing QI work:

  • Do not refer to QI projects as “research” in publications or presentations.
  • If the project was not submitted to the IRB for determination, the following statement may be included in the manuscript: “This project was undertaken as a Quality Improvement Initiative and as such does not constitute human subjects research.”
  • If the project was reviewed by a research compliance office and was determined not to be human subjects research, the following statement can be included in the manuscript: “This Quality Improvement Initiative was reviewed and determined to not meet the criteria for human subjects research by the [institution].”

Publication-Building Template