Always capitalize Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT) when using them in PubMed. Using lower case will yield unexpected results.
Put the most important words of your search first, as PubMed will look for this word first
Put quotations around phrases in PubMed, ex: "peripheral neuropathy" so the system will not look for the words individually
Remember that many levels of evidence can be filtered in PubMed under Limits>Article Type
Use Single Citation Manager in the front, center of the PubMed homepage to locate a specific article you have some information about (i.e. author, title, journal etc.)
Use "Similar Articles" to find others on a similar topic.
Use Clinical Queries on the PubMed homepage to do a simple search for systematic reviews
Don't forget to "Reset All Filters" (under the limits on the left-hand side) before beginning a new search
My NCBI accounts allow you to save searches and allow updates for these searches to automatically be sent to your email account
PubMed arranges results by best match. This means PubMed organizes the results according to those who 'best match' the keywords you enter. You can change this to most recent by altering the display options in the upper right-hand corner.