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Nursing 5555 Nursing Research

For nursing students to understand the library resources available to them.

Starting Your Search

Before you begin your search, consider exploring your topic in one of the library's reference sources. Funk & Wagnalls and Gale Virtual Library are a great resources for reading and browsing background information on a topic. You might want to browse the recent news articles to see if anything looks interesting to research.

PICO example

Search Terms

Defining a clinical question in terms of the specific patient problem aids the searcher in finding clinically relevant evidence in the literature.  The PICO Model is a format to help define your question. Based on your PICO question, identify 3-4 search terms that can be used to locate sources in a database.

In school-aged children, how does an early bedtime compared to a late bedtime affect school performance?
PICO Element
Possible Search Terms
P = Patient Population school aged children, kids
I = Intervention or area of Interest sleep, bedtime, wake time
C = Comparison or Control group late bedtime
O = Outcome grades, school attendance
T = Time frame (e.g. how long does it take for the intervention to reach an outcome?) Not always included