Psychiatry and mental health resources including DSM-5 materials. This collection covers diagnosis and differential diagnosis, case vignettes to bring abstract concepts to life, multidisciplinary treatment guidelines, the latest research—all within a single search and navigation interface that integrates journals and books. Provided by the Center for Behavioral Medicine.
Statistical information on the prevalence, treatment, and costs of mental disorders for the U.S. population, as well as information about possible consequences of suicide and disability.
Interactive and customizable maps to display historic and current U.S. Census data. Select Use as a Guest when asked to login. Guides and videos available by clicking on Help within the tool.
Theses & Dissertations
There are several ways to find theses and dissertations in the UMKC University Libraries. The following tools will help you locate a thesis or dissertation you need.
The world's most authoritative online resource for finding library materials. Over 60,000 libraries worldwide, including the Library of Congress. Use the free web version,, for quick, easy searching.