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Clinical Practice of Medicine Course-CPM

This is a consolidated list of library resources you can use to do research for Clinical Practice of Medicine.

What it Is.

AccessMedicine is a collection of over 150 medical books, videos, patient education sheets, plus multimedia, self-assessment, algorithms, case studies, and more.

Finding Books by Subject

Books by Subject In Access Medicine

To Find Books by subject simply click on "Books">"Library" in the upper right-hand corner and select your subject(s) of interest.

Finding Patient Education Sheets

Patient Education Sheets in Access Medicine via search box and left-hand side navigation menu

You can also find patient education sheets in Access Medicine.  Use the toolbar at the top of the page to select 'Patient Ed' or simply search for a topic & filter by 'Patient Education' on the left.  Multi-lingual sheets available. 

Using the Differential Diagnosis Tool-Diagnosaurus

Diagnosaurus from the drop-down menu at the top of the page in Access Medicine under Quick Reference

Diagnosaurus (DDX) is a differential diagnosis generator.  You can search by symptom, disease or organ system. 

Finding & Reviewing Cases

Review Questions in Access Medicine

To locate cases click on "Cases" or "Study Tools" in the toolbar at the top of the page.  NOTE:  You must create a free MyAccess account (see tab in this guide entitled 'Creating a free MyAccess account') to see all case information.