WTO and Intellectual Property
Besides WIPO, the other major organization that deals with intellectual property, including copyright is the WTO. That is because there are trade implications for intellectual property. Concessions on recognizing copyright for regularly foreigners are granted as part of trade negotiations.
TRIPS or the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights is administered by the WTO. The WTO TRIPS site has news items and helpful publications, including reference to Antony Taubman, Hannu Wager & Jayashree Watal, A Handbook on the WTO TRIPS Agreement (Cambridge University Press, 2012), which the law library plans to provide as an eBook, along with other relevant titles, in the coming year. Check the library catalog or librarian for status.
The actual TRIPS agreement is linked here. For more information on TRIPS, see Daniel Gervais, Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (1994), Max Plank Encylopedia of Public International Law.