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Women's & Gender Studies

UMKC Writing Center

The Writing Center offers peer-tutoring to help you at all stages of the writing process from the first to final draft.

They offer workshops and handouts on citing sources, plagiarism, writing style, organizing ideas, grammar and punctuation. Visit their website or call (235-1146) to make an appointment.

Cite it Right



   A comprehensive writing guide, which offers over    200 free resources on writing, research, grammar    and mechanics, citation style guides and English    as a second language tools.

            Citation Samples in CSE, APA, and MLA styles. 
   Created by University of North Carolina.
   Helps you format your citations in either 
  Turabian or MLA style.


    A free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect,    organize, cite, and share your research    sourcesAccess it from anywhere.


   Helps format and save citations in almost any    citation style. Access it from anywhere.
   NOTE: Double check the citations as they might    not include all information required.

When and What Do I Cite?

Cite anything you write or create that uses or refers to the ideas of another person, including:
  • direct quotations

  • paraphrasing of passages

  • indebtedness to another person for an idea

  • use of another student's work

  • use of your own previous work

You do not need to cite information that is common knowledge.