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Creating Searches in Medical Databases

This guide serves as an outline for students learning to use the evidenced based model to create searches in Medline & PubMed. It also provides information about forming the the clinical question using PICO & evaluating the evidence. It also serves as s

Background Information

Online books can provide an overview of background information for a topic.  This is for times you have a question about a disease or a treatment that is unfamiliar to you and you need an overview to learn more about the topic. “Secondary” literature (that synthesizes earlier studies) works well, though you may need to update the information via a search of the more recent literature. The Health Sciences Library has a number of electronic books online available for access using your single sign-on and password. For a list of our collections of online book options, simply refer to the 'Access Medicine' or 'Library Catalog' link on the library homepage or see the box below.  Our library homepage can be found at: URL was removed on 6/24/2022.

Online Books


This is a collection of clinical medical textbooks. To see a complete list of the titles go to the link was removed on 6/23/2022. Insert current, correct link.

 AccessMedicine Collection

This is a collection of basic medical science and clinical medical textbooks. To see a complete list of the titles go to the link was removed on 6/23/2022. Insert correct link.  To go to "Harrison's" click on the Harrison's Book cover under the searchbox at the top of the page and enter your terms in the 'search textbook' searchbox.