While Communication Studies is an academic discipline in its own right, it crosses over with many other areas of study. Search broader library databases and collections to find sources that are published in a different area.
Full electronic books covering most subjects, including science, business, and the social sciences. EBSCO login required to download. Downloads available for 7 days.
Complete research into all things film and television, with full articles, movie reviews, and images. Date Range: 1915-Present.
Full articles from major research journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Coverage of most journals starts from the beginning and excludes the most recent three to five years. Also includes access to a broad range of archival collections of primary resources.
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Full articles, conference proceedings, and books on political science, both in the U.S. and abroad. Covers 1902-present.
Books, eBooks, and articles on the humanities and social sciences. Covers 1990 - present.