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ENGLISH 110: Introduction to Academic Prose

Writing Journals

Discourse Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Text and Talk

Considers the structures and strategies of written and spoken discourse, especially in linguistics, anthropology, psychology, communication studies, and law.

Written Communication

Provides readers with new research findings, theoretical concepts, and ideas on how writing is practiced in schools, workplaces, and communities.

Journal of Creative Writing Studies

Examines the teaching, practice, theory, and history of creative writing. 

Rhetoric Journals


Examines the theory and practice of rhetoric in all periods and languages and their relationship with poetics, philosophy, religion, and law.

Rhetoric and Public Affairs

Interdisciplinary journal devoted to the history, theory, and criticism of public discourse. Explores the rhetoric of executive leadership, diplomacy, political campaigns, legal deliberations, and public policy debate.

Philosophy and Rhetoric

Considers the connections between logic and rhetoric, including the philosophical aspects of argumentation, to other areas of human culture and thought.