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Resources for Pharmacy courses.

Top Citation Styles

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition)

ALA is most often used in the disciplines of education, nursing, and social sciences.

MLA Handbook (8th Edition)

MLA is most often used in the disciplines of english, music, philosophy.

Ama Manual of Style Guidelines

Quick reference for the writing style guidelines from the American Medical Association for the medical sciences community. The need-to-know essentials of the guidelines in 6 laminated pages, designed for quick access and durability. Suggested uses: oStudents - handy reference while writing papers where AMA is the required or suggested style oProfessors - require students to write in AMA Style to prepare for a future in the science or medical sciences field oAuthors/Editors - reference while writing or editing pieces to be published in the science or medical science fields

UMKC Writing Studio

When and What Do I Cite?

Cite anything you write or create that uses or refers to the ideas of another person, including:

  • direct quotations
  • paraphrasing of passages
  • indebtedness to another person for an idea
  • use of another student's work
  • use of your own previous work

You do not need to cite information that is common knowledge.