RSCS promotes high-quality research by consulting on proper research design, supports researchers in making sample size estimates, and assists researchers in ethical and accepted methods of data analysis and interpretation.
The Metropolitan Council of Community Mental Health Centers represents the public mental health system in the Kansas City area. They provide a full array of comprehensive services to help people live a full and independent life. Their services are available to all members of the community, regardless of ability to pay.
CHIR uses a data driven, evidence-based public health process to guide decision-making, priority setting and intervention planning. The process acknowledges that communities have different needs and may be in different places in addressing health issues.
CHA presents measurements that allow for a course to be set to improve the public's health. This examines the current status and impact of issues to provide a complete picture of health for the KC community.
This outlines the biggest health issues in Kansas City - the ones that are ultimately perpetuating life expectancy differences between ZIP codes. It also shows impactful ways people can help. For each issue, there is an identified main goal with measurable targets to achieve.
The Kansas Health Matters website brings community health-related statistical data, local resources and a wealth of information to one, accessible, user-friendly location.
Community Data Profiles are available on various subject areas and provide data on 15-30 indicators for each geography selected. The Missouri Information for Community Assessment (MICA) allows users to summarize data, calculate rates, and prepare information in a graphic format.