MOspace is the digital institutional repository of the University of Missouri System. It is a permanent digital storehouse of research and knowledge, focusing on works created by those connected with the University of Missouri. MOspace is the place where faculty, staff and students can store their intellectual output, and depend upon a permanent URL. MOspace allows the library to preserve and provide open access to items in a more permanent way than posting to a website.
Getting Started: 5 Steps to Making Your Research Available in MOspace
Step 1: Ensure Your Submission Meets the MOspace Collection Criteria
Make sure that your submission is a finished, complete work of research or scholarship, a data set supporting research, or evidence of creative activity.
Examples of acceptable content include:
- Documents, such as articles, preprints, working papers, technical reports, conference papers
- Books
- Theses
- Data sets
- Computer programs
- Visualizations, simulations, and other models
- Multimedia publications
- Administrative records
- Journal articles
- Bibliographic datasets
- Images
- Audio files
- Video files
- eformatted digital library collections
- Learning objects
- Web pages
Step 2: Review Copyright and Permissions for Previously Published Work
MOspace encourages authors not to sign away rights to their own works, as often happens when they publish in commercial journals. Retaining the copyright allows content to be made available to students and scholars without huge subscription fees. In MOspace, the author/creator retains copyright in all cases, so an author could also publish an item elsewhere, providing that the publisher allows this. For items not commercially published, author permission is all that is needed to allow the Library to add it to MOspace. If you currently own the rights to your submission, SKIP TO STEP 4.
Step 3: Submit Evidence of Third-Party Copyright Permission
If your work has been published and you do not own the rights, you may need to get permission from the publisher. Many publishers are becoming more supportive of institutional repositories and will allow submission to an institutional repository without fee or embargo. Others, of course, will need an embargo period or permission. To find out what your publisher requires, please visit SHERPA/RoMEO.
To ensure that no copyright infringements occur, MOspace at UMKC will need evidence of the publisher's permission. Please submit this document along with the Non-Exclusive Distribution License (STEP 4). If you have difficulties locating copyright information about your publisher, please contact us; we will be happy to help.
Step 4: Print, Sign, and Return MOspace Non-Exclusive Distribution License.
Step 5: Send Your Submission!
Submit your file as a .pdf (for print), .mp3 (for audio), .mpeg (for video), or .jpg, .tif, .gif, or .bmp (for images). The library can also assist with file conversion if necessary. If the size of your file is over 50 MB, please use UL MOSpace page to send your file to the library.
Once we receive your submission, we will convert your item into the appropriate format, assign it metadata, and place it into the appropriate community in MOspace. We will then email you a permanent URL to access your work in MOspace. For questions about MOspace email mospace@umkc.edu.