~[421]~ UMKC University Libraries

LibQual+ Results

Comparison of Results Over Time

We are happy to see that your overall satisfaction of the Libraries has increased over the three years we have conducted the survey:

Let us know what we can do to continue this trend - how can we provide even better service?

Comparing Results for 2003, 2006, 2011 

UMKC Libraries conducted the LibQual+ survey in 2003, 2006, and 2011.  In that time, we have seen significant changes in how the Libraries are meeting your needs. 

Affect of Service addresses how well library employees are delivering library service.  
Information Control focuses on the libraries collections—physical and electronic—and online tools and Website the enables users to access the resources they need. 
Library as Place focuses on the adequacy of the library facilities.



Affect of Service addresses how well library employees are delivering library service.

In the area of Service, you can see that we have improved in every area.   We have always met your minimum expectations, and so we have sought to approach your desired level of service.  Each year we have gotten closer to meeting that goal, and we are pleased to see that after several years of focusing on giving you individualized service, we are now exceeding your desired level of service in that area. 


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Information Control focuses on the libraries collections—physical and electronic—and online tools and Website the enables users to access the resources they need. 

In the area of Information Control, which mainly addresses library materials (books, journals, etc.) and our ability to get you to those resources, we have also seen a improvement over time:

You may note that we have declined in the areas of "A library web site enabling me to locate information on my own" and "Making information easily accessible for independent use."  Because of this and some comments we received, the web site is one of our top strategic priorities this year, and we hope to have a site you can easily use to find what you need.

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Library as Place focuses on the adequacy of the library facilities. 

The final aspect of service, Library as Place, is very localized to each individual library branch.  Because we did not survey separately for the Music/Media Library until this year, their results are included in Miller Nichols Library in the comparison below:


Based on this information, it is clear that all locations need upgrades in terms of space, some much more than others.  Visit our page on What We're Doing for a few of the things we have already done and what we have planned to address your concerns.

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